AG’s Office brings tha slang & circular logic

In the hallowed halls of justice, you might expect eloquence, rigor, and certainly excellence.

But here in good ole Arkansas, these halls are neither hallowed nor just! Tim Griffin‘s bozos are running the show.

His crack legal team, tasked with presenting before the highest court in the state, decided to submit their arguments with spoken slang. Yes, you read that right. We’re waiting for them to drop a “LOL” in the next filing.

And let’s talk about those arguments. Oh, the beautiful, dizzying circles they draw… endlessly entertaining. Ultimately pointless. The bozo bros also love a good juvenile jab. Our AG’s office seems to believe that personal digs and snide remarks are the hallmarks of a compelling argument. They also like citing non-legal documents as a… legal citations.

But the creme de la creme is their complete lack of evidence to back up their legal claims. We know the whole abortion suit thing is super in the weeds. But weedy or not, facts and case law should be solid partners in your legal argument. Seems like the AG’s office prefers the company of circles and slang.

  • August 5, 2024