The Arkansas Times reports that Gov. Sarah Sanders has decreed today a “Day of Tears,” inviting all good Arkansans to lower their flags and, presumably, their IQs in solemn mourning for the fetuses lost to abortion. Forget your pesky day jobs; there are zygotes to grieve! In a state where...
Political Hacks
In a stirring address to new attorneys at the Bowen School of Law, Arkansas Supreme Court Justice Rhonda Wood took a bold stance, advocating for the timeless values of integrity, ethical conduct, and just the right amount of partisan maneuvering to secure those cushy career advancements. Wood declared her unwavering...
In the hallowed halls of justice, you might expect eloquence, rigor, and certainly excellence. But here in good ole Arkansas, these halls are neither hallowed nor just! Tim Griffin‘s bozos are running the show. His crack legal team, tasked with presenting before the highest court in the state, decided to...
Passing more tax cuts for the rich in Arkansas is like taking candy from a baby. Except the baby is just regular people trying to make ends meet. Gov. Sanders once again dolled out tax cuts for the third time in 15 months. The most recent batch of cuts reduces...
Yes, dear voters, the legislative body is hard at work, not on solving any of the state’s problems, but on reminding you—through legally toothless resolutions—which issues you should and should not support. During the special session to help the poor rich folk get richer, Representative Ryan Rose presented a dazzling...
In what can only be described as a valiant attempt to turn incompetence into an art form, Attorney General Tim Griffin has managed to get Arkansas booted from its own lawsuit against the Biden administration over the “gun show loophole.” Yes, you read that right: Griffin’s big legal play was...
Tim Griffin is here to rescue women from deceptive marketing, apparently. The AG issued a stern cease and desist order to two organizations: Choices Women’s Medical Center from New York and Aid Access of the Netherlands. Their crime? Daring to provide information and access to abortion pills to Arkansans. Griffin’s...
In a groundbreaking move, Arkansas will add another dazzling gem to the Capitol grounds: a “monument to the unborn.” Yes, our state will commemorate theoretical people while ignoring its living, breathing people. The commission has yet to decide on the exact placement of their homage to the hypothetical. Options on...
Jason Rapert’s doing embarrassing things again. Last week, the recent appointee to the State Library Board claimed his work environment was “hostile to Christian, white males.” His reasoning? Six women who have the power to shut him up and are doing so, repeatedly. Bless their hearts. The women on the...
The man prides himself in his ability to destroy public education Arkansas Secretary of Education Jacob Oliva seems to be on a mission to redefine the term “educational reform” with his latest antics. In a move that has educators shaking their heads in disbelief, Oliva has decided to take a...