Griffin Sues Biden, Forgets to Prove His Case

In what can only be described as a valiant attempt to turn incompetence into an art form, Attorney General Tim Griffin has managed to get Arkansas booted from its own lawsuit against the Biden administration over the “gun show loophole.”

Yes, you read that right: Griffin’s big legal play was so weak that a judge dismissed Arkansas for failing to demonstrate basic standing.

The case has now been graciously relocated to Kansas, where it can presumably get the attention it needs from someone who knows what they’re doing.

Three weeks ago, Griffin proudly announced that Arkansas was leading the charge in a lawsuit with 21 states against a new federal rule requiring background checks for all gun sales.

It sounded impressive until U.S. District Judge James Moody highlighted a small detail: Arkansas didn’t bother to provide any actual evidence of harm.

Apparently, the grand plan was to argue that fewer gun show vendors would mean less tax revenue from table rentals. Moody dismissed this claim as “vague and speculative,” which is legalese for “are you even trying?

Other states, like New Hampshire and Virginia, had the foresight to submit declarations and evidence. But Griffin, ever the maverick, opted for a minimalist approach, providing no declarations or witnesses to back up his claims.

It’s a BOLD™ strategy that involves doing as little as possible and hoping for the best—a technique sure to be adopted by legal scholars worldwide.

Despite this setback, Griffin remains undeterred. “We will be challenging that ruling in short order,” he declared, doubling down on his commitment to make legal history, even if it’s as a cautionary tale.

Arkansas can rest easy knowing their Attorney General is hard at work, leading from behind in Kansas, and ensuring that the state’s legal arguments are as sturdy as a house of cards in a wind tunnel.

  • May 25, 2024