Nepo Babies meet for cringy “America first” convo

Ah, the land of the free, where anyone can make it big… if their last name happens to be Huckabee or Trump.
The cringiest of nepo babies, SHS and Don Jr., linked up for a 2+ minute video for Don’s weird online show titled “Triggered.”
Don asked SHS about China, and Sarah had the chance to brag about the penalty check the state received from that one seed company.
It was a shining example of how, if you’re a nepo baby, your biggest accomplishments are really just sad nothing burgers. Cause in their world, where everything you have is handed to you on a silver platter adorned with the family crest.
If you’re unfamiliar with the term “nepo baby,” it what you think it means — kids who has famous parents and as a result, are who they are as adults because of their parents.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders is of course the daughter of the once-okayish-governor-turned-political-hack Mike Huckabee. SHS has danced her way through the Arkansas political scene like a true heiress, riding on daddy’s coattails. You’ll recall she went from Trump press secretary to Arkansas governor, despite having no public service experience whatsoever.
And then there’s Don Jr., the self-appointed guardian of anti-nepotism sentiments… while simultaneously being the poster child for it. It takes a special kind of audacity to accuse others of benefiting from daddy’s name (Hunter Biden) while simultaneously managing daddy’s business empire. Lack of self-reflection is quite common in nepo babies.
So here’s to Sarah and Donnie. We can’t wait to see the other boring content these two shining beacons of meritocracy put out. Cheers to nepotism, the ultimate family business.