Nonprofit shill thinks Arkansans care about his opinion

Arkansas has her own right-wing shill, and his name is Nic Horton. Horton loves to use his nonprofit “Opportunity Arkansas” as an extra mouthpiece for the Governor’s purposes.
Recently, Opportunity Arkansas dropped their “Legislative Scorecard,” which is a way for Nic and his boys to convince themselves Arkansas cares what they think.
The 22-page PDF is packed with praise for some of the most awful legislators in the House and Senate. LOL.
Horton’s highest-rated Senate Republicans include Alan Clark, Matt McKee, and Dan Sullivan. This bunch is a real piece of work. Last year Clark was caught up in an ethics violation that ended in his colleagues stripping him of seniority and suspending him for the year. McKee is the infamous senator who asked a citizen testifying in committee, “Do you have a penis?” And finally, Dan Sullivan is the foremost book banner in the state of Arkansas, who led the efforts to defund his county library in Northeast Arkansas.
Horton is praising the worst among the legislature.
His extensive PDF goes on to score every single legislator based on individual bill votes. Each bill is explained in an oversimplified, overtly partisan manner, and they are each given a “pro-opportunity position” of “yes” or “no.”
Again, who cares what Nic thinks? But anyway…
Paying attention to the bill section of the PDF, we noticed something. Only four of the bills reviewed received “no” status, and three of those had the same sponsor, Senator Jonathan Dismang. Dismang is a powerful player in the upper chamber, and for some reason Horton is attempting to drag him through the mud.
Seems like Nic Horton has beef with Dismang. He sure did spend a lot of time hating on Dismang’s legislative moves during the 2023 session.
One thing’s for sure: a vendetta against the chair of the Joint Budget Committee won’t help you out, Nicky. Better learn to kiss and make up.