Snippy Sarah is back!

Sarah Sanders returns to her favorite pastime — getting snippy with the press.
Can someone tell Sarah Sanders being an enemy of the free press is not a personality trait?
The thing about being Governor is, you’re gonna stand at a lot of lecterns.
For that reason, and many other legal reasons, Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ lectern spending scandal ain’t going away any time soon.
Today Sanders stood behind a quaint, normal lectern as she announced a plan to oust a Chinese company from Arkansas. The press conference included, unfortunately for Sanders, members of the press.
One reporter asked Sanders why she wasn’t standing at the fancy new lectern with its “many features” as she delivered today’s news. Sanders replied with a snarky, snarly jab at the press for focusing on the wrong issues. It seems she is intent on convincing us that executive-branch secrecy, tax-dollar mishandling, and freedom of information are all unimportant partisan rhetoric. Nothing to see here!
Her deflection was reminiscent of the extremism she peddled on behalf of Donald Trump a few years ago.
As Press Secretary, Sanders positioned herself as an Enemy of the Free Press™, all so an orange-faced fascist could keep his power. Scandal after scandal, lie after lie, Sanders sunk lower and lower.
Were her sights on the Arkansas Governorship even then? Maybe so, and now she gets to use all that White House practice for her own administration.
Sarah Sanders is playing the same tune she played for Donald Trump, except now she’s having to lie, hide, and defend her own egregious abuses of power. She can no longer cut and run—she has to own her behavior. At least, that’s what a newly approved audit promises: accountability.