Sarah’s ingenious plan to punish farmers—oops we mean, China

Girl, we’ve got 99 problems in Arkansas and China ain’t one of ’em.

There she goes again— silly Governor Sanders and her 24-7 PR machine.

It seems that the former press secretary has latched on to China as her preferred mechanism of distraction.

Yesterday she slammed the Governor of California for meeting with the leader of China, writing, “Republican governors must do what Democrats won’t – stand up to China.”

Um, okay?

Her brilliant plan to stand up to China includes “kick[ing] a Chinese state-owned company off our farmland.”

Yes, that’s right, her diabolical plot to slap around China means turning the tables on Arkansas farmers.

Most would assume that a homegrown Arkansas girl would want to support our local farmers, but Sanders has taken a different approach.

She’s decided to distract from Lecterngate by making a stink about a nation 7,000 miles away. Girl, we got 99 problems in Arkansas and China ain’t one of ’em.

Let’s break down her plan: Sanders will kick out a Chinese company owning fewer than 200 acres to make a political point; she’ll make much ado about another governor’s travel plans despite her shady-ass trip to Europe to plot betrayal against Donald Trump.

Oh, and she’ll probably fuss some more because she doesn’t want the aforementioned trip connected to her fraudulent lectern invoice—you know, the one causing her so much PR grief these days.

We all know that the best way to solve a problem is to create a bigger one, right?

So, kudos to Sarah Huckabee Sanders for her innovative approach to foreign policy. Down with diplomacy and cooperation! Wreak havoc in your own backyard instead!

It’s the Huckabee way, after all.

  • October 26, 2023