State Senator afraid of what drag queens may do to the kids

Arkansas’ finest Sen. Gary Stubblefield amped up the hate-filled, Bible-infused, anti-trans rhetoric Tuesday afternoon at the State Capitol. Members heard Senate Bill 43, Stubblefield’s proposed legislation that classifies any drag performance as adult entertainment. “I can’t think of any redeeming quality that can come from taking children and putting them in front of grown men dressed like women,” he huffed.

Senator Stubblefield claimed drag performers confuse children with their “gay and sexual things,” implying the drag community intentionally seeks out children to groom them. Yes, women can still wear pants at the county fair, he said, but men parading around in nipple pasties? No dice. 

Stubblefield had ample backup from other senators who agreed drag performances are not pure, holy, or noble. Shocking no one in the chamber, the bill passed with support from every Republican. 

Stubblefield said that the downfall of America will result from moral corruption from the inside. We couldn’t agree more, as the fall seems to have started in the Arkansas State Senate. 

  • January 24, 2023