LEARNS Act town hall performance coming to a city near you!

The LEARNS propaganda machine is working overtime as Sarah Sanders hits the road in defense of her most prized legislative accomplishment since taking office. The Governor appears to be rewriting the definition of “town hall” with two recent stops in Jonesboro and Texarkana to promote the LEARNS Act.
Ah yes, the traditional town hall — held so elected leaders can meet with constituents face-to-face and hear feedback about leaders’ policies and actions. Not so in the Sanders administration. Sarah likes her education privatized and her town hall performances extravagantly staged.

Even if the town hall events weren’t performance art, reports are they were RSVP only. Apparently folks have been turned away at the door.
The audience threw softballs to Sanders and her Secretary of Education, Jacob Oliva, while yes men like Dan Sullivan, Jack Ladyman, Breanne Davis, and Jimmy Gazaway flanked. Legislative bestie Breanne Davis has also been in attendance but her tight rope skills aren’t very good.
The audiences in town halls were paper-plate white, despite the racial makeup of the towns in which they were held. Unsurprisingly, Sanders said nothing of substance in either event.