Jason Rapert is an embarrassment to men (again)

Jason Rapert’s doing embarrassing things again.

Last week, the recent appointee to the State Library Board claimed his work environment was “hostile to Christian, white males.” His reasoning?

Six women who have the power to shut him up and are doing so, repeatedly. Bless their hearts. The women on the board have no patience for his antics, continuing the theme of women being really done with his garbage. When it came time to vote on his appointment to the Board last year, every single woman in the Senate – former colleagues and members of his own party alike – voted against him.

Rapert again put forward a motion to ban books he doesn’t like, conveniently forgetting that his favorite book – the Bible – has everything he thinks is dangerous to kids and more. When his motions failed, he claimed hostile work environments.

We call it “people actually caring about libraries and disliking a shouty white man doing shouty white man things.”

It’s a common pattern with the man; he realized long ago his only real skill is fiddling – and even that’s debatable – so he gets through life on sexism, racism, and being very loud about both. While other men have recognized that women like, have things to say, they’ve welcomed the input.

Jason, meanwhile, is still living in the 1700s.

Kudos to the other library board members for shutting him up. We hope you’ll keep up the good work.

  • May 13, 2024