SHS shows off her mastery in Art of Distraction (or lack thereof)

In a stunning display of political prowess, Governor Sarah Sanders, wannabe master of distraction, has once again proven that she’ll do just about anything to deflect from her abuse of taxpayer funds, general ineptitude, and failure to govern.
It’s almost impressive how she’s managed to transform her governorship into a three-ring circus of diversion and PR theatrics. Not the good kind of circus, though. More like the just-hopped-off-the-highway-and-threw-up-this-very-safe-not-at-all-terrifying-tilt-a-whril county fairgrounds of our youth.
When faced with bad press, Governor Sanders’ team, led by the unparalleled communications wizard Alexa Henning, has developed an uncanny (in)ability to whip up sensational press.
Need to distract from Lecterngate? No problem! We’ll announce a groundbreaking ceremony for a luxury spa in the governor’s mansion. Damn, too many people talking about my bad approval rating? Alexa! Write a press release that bans dinosaurs from public school curriculum. That blogger released more receipts from our Jetson’s-themed kitchen? Roll out the “Arkansas will lead the world in pirate tourism” initiative.
Yes, all of these publicity campaigns can and will make sense if you just believe in them deeply enough.
We don’t know about you, but What the Huck simply cannot wait to see what Sarah and her crafty team come up with next. Kicking Chinese Buffets out of Arkansas? Executive Order for students to receive How Great Thou Art after the pledge of Allegiance? Free Walmart Gift cards for those who tweet that Bryan Sanders is smart? Requiring Barbie have reproductive parts? Sky’s the limit.
Sarah’s PR Jenga Tower is looking a bit wobbly these days. And we understand! It’s hard to be a good leader. Why focus on things like our state being number one in food insecurity and number women in maternal mortality when you can spend time drafting dumb media releases and drumming up the MAGA base? The Art of Distraction is certainly more fun than governing, even if your office is really bad at it.