The Arkansas Times reports that Gov. Sarah Sanders has decreed today a “Day of Tears,” inviting all good Arkansans to lower their flags and, presumably, their IQs in solemn mourning for the fetuses lost to abortion. Forget your pesky day jobs; there are zygotes to grieve! In a state where...
Sarah Huckabee
At the kick off of the legislative session, Sarah Sanders’ State of the State address doubled as a fan letter to Trump and a culture war greatest hits album. Arkansas, she proudly declared, is the “vanguard of a national conservative revolution.” A bold proclamation, and in no way true, not...
Passing more tax cuts for the rich in Arkansas is like taking candy from a baby. Except the baby is just regular people trying to make ends meet. Gov. Sanders once again dolled out tax cuts for the third time in 15 months. The most recent batch of cuts reduces...
In Sarah’s latest audition tape for Trump’s VP ticket, the governor penned a hilarious letter to the US Secretary of Education, Miguel Cardona. Sanders used the national MAGA base as an excuse to fire shots at President Biden’s student loan forgiveness program and the Department of Education’s handling of the...
Gather ’round for another episode of “The Chronicles of Incompetence,” starring the Sanders administration. The pièce de résistance is the infamous $19,000 lectern. If you’re catching up to speed on last year’s expensive furniture purchase, here’s the short version: The Governor’s Office is very bad at properly spending taxpayer dollars....
Good boy, Griff!
Arkansas is now the battleground for the most crucial cultural war of the 21st century: driver’s licenses. The Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration (DFA) has heroically declared war on the X. No, not the mutant kind, but the dreaded gender-neutral “X” designation on driver’s licenses. Because in Arkansas, you’re...
Ah, the land of the free, where anyone can make it big… if their last name happens to be Huckabee or Trump. The cringiest of nepo babies, SHS and Don Jr., linked up for a 2+ minute video for Don’s weird online show titled “Triggered.” Don asked SHS about China,...
May her Fox appearances be filled with empty platitudes and shameless pandering. Water crisis in Helena-West Helena be damned. Save our disgraceful maternal mortality rate and healthcare crisis for another day. Who else will take up the mantle of sucking up to Trump on national television if Sarah won’t? Momma’s...
She’s the superhero Arkansas never knew it needed, protecting the state from imaginary threats with the flick of her pen It’s a damn shame that Sarah has to spend her time writing op-eds to convince Arkansans she’s not terrible at her job. Despite being loathed across the political spectrum, she...