The SHS Real Liars© Catalog of Bigotry

Presenting the Catalog of Bigotry: items for the Really Real MAGA extremist in your life
After months of speculation that she was a figment of our nightmares, it has been confirmed that Sarah Sanders is a REAL WOMAN!
We assume Arkansas State Rep. Matt McKee, who we can count on to do a genital check, was involved in this confirmation process. Regardless, for a mere $15 you can get your own koozie confirming that Sarah Sanders is, in fact, a real human woman.
And trust us, you’ll need that koozie. Bigotry is best served ice cold.

Check out the Real Liars© catalog featuring new merch including:
“The Moms for Liberty” fire pit of hell. Now you can burn those books in the comfort of your own home!
“The Excellence in Education” golden voucher. Just like Charlie, you too can luck into a golden ticket! Be warned: these limited edition vouchers are extremely rare and only available in urban areas.
“The Real Kids of Child Labor” miniature work gloves. Just because you work long hours, doesn’t mean you can’t keep your little hands baby soft.
“The Victors of Valor” up-skirt camera. Keep our kids safe! Sneak a peek up those skirts – what’s underneath is definitely your business.
“The Real Titans of Taxation” guide to swindling your fellow Arkansans. You’re rich! Don’t be one of those tax paying idiots! Rules aren’t meant for you!
“The Defenders of Democracy” board game. Who cares how much it costs to defend unconstitutional bills in court?!? It’s not real money! It’s all a game!