Dear Judd Deere is confused about what his boss does
Bless Judd Deere’s heart. The guy is deputy chief of staff to Sarah Huckabee Sanders and a former Trump staffer but has no idea what the hell is going on. Most folks can tell the difference between rhetoric and reality, but not Judd. Is this why Trump and SHS hired the guy?
Poor Judd thinks Sarah is busy working to make government in Arkansas smaller and thrifter. Somehow our bud Judd missed that his boss’s signature legislation is the “biggest, boldest” state investment of its kind. Hm. Pretty sure big is the opposite of small. But we get it, policy can be confusing.

But Judd also missed that it will cost the state $150 million in new spending in just the first year of implementation. Darn. New spending is also the opposite of being thrifty.
Oh, has anyone told Judd about the salary increases his boss gave to him and his colleagues? Wondering if he also knows about the legislature’s plan to spend a bunch of money on prison expansion, or that his boss maybe sorta has a spending problem.

Then there’s that pesky problem of government overreach at the expense of Arkansans’ freedom. Denying healthcare, controlling educators, policing children… Does our bud Judd have his head in the sand? Maybe he’s in the dark because he’s not allowed to sit at the governor’s big kid table.
It’s kinda strange for the governor’s deputy chief of staff to be confused about what his boss is doing. But he seems like a smart enough guy. Heck, he worked for Donald, and Judd definitely didn’t have any issues during his time at the White House!
Hang in there, bud. We’re sure Sarah and others will catch you up to speed soon.