Sarah Sanders Uses Toxic Femininity to Punch Down – Again

Last week, in a stunning display of “look over here!” distraction, Sarah Sanders signed a do-nothing executive order that accomplishes zilch-nada-nothing for Arkansas and harms one of the most marginalized populations in our community.
Sarah really said:
“WHEREAS: An XX chromosome is an XX chromosome. The science is clear and real;”
in an executive order, further proving that she and the GOP supermajority are not serious people. They do not intend to govern to solve real problems. They choose to create new ones.
No really, take a look at this silly order:

With the exception of “pregnant people,” the list of spooky, scary woke words is a non-issue, even if you believe wokeness is an actual thing (it’s not).
I invite the Governor to provide proof that the term “womyn” has ever made its way into government documents. Same goes for “menstruating person” or “human milk.”
She can’t. She could only cite one instance of one of these words during the presser.
The worst part is, this emboldens hatred across the state. It tells those who wish harm on the transgender community “the Governor’s got your back!” Once again, Sanders imitates her former boss, dog-whistling her heart out to people who want an excuse to terrorize trans folks.
Furthermore, it’s wild how all of a sudden language matters again.
Sanders and company love to bemoan the “attacks on free speech” from the other side of the aisle. They see pronouns in a Twitter bio and start foaming at the mouth.
But now the far-right are the ones deciding which words are okay and which words are prohibited, just because their feelings got hurt by inclusive language.
Let’s look at this photo from the EO signing:

These women gathered to celebrate a harmful solution to a made-up problem. They smiled for the camera as the first woman governor in our state used women as a pawn in her hateful chess game to carry on the culture war.
And the reality is, this is all a distraction from the investigations into Sanders’ reckless spending of taxpayer dollars. Sanders doesn’t care about this non-issue. She doesn’t really believe women are being “erased” by “wokeism.” She had this plan ready to go for when the headlines needed a refresh. #lecterngate now has international attention, so it was time to make this move.
Meanwhile, Arkansas is one of the most dangerous places to be a pregnant woman, so if she’s this worried about them, maybe she should take a look at her own party’s policies.