SHS visits elementary school, distributes picture books that are definitely not indoctrination

Governor Sanders visited Helena-West Helena’s J.F. Wahl Elementary School on Monday to hold a round table and visit a classroom. Still no details on her impending bold education reform, but she’s wasting no time handing out Ben Carson’s picture book to students in the poorest city in the state.
The book, read here by Melania Trump, focuses on four pillars: faith, liberty, community, and life.
In a stanza that is definitely not indoctrinating, the book reads:
God lives in us through our faith,
shining brightly our own way
Unseen, yet we know He’s there,
And faith matters every day.
You may recall that Sarah prohibited indoctrination on day 1 of her governorship. Guess “Why America Matters: a children’s book about the Judeo-Christian values of America and its founding, and the importance of the Four Pillars of the American Cornerstone Institute: Faith, Liberty, Community, Life” is an exception.
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Thank you for your service. You’ll be very busy for the next 4 to 8 years of embarrassment. & gut-churning shame.