In a courageous move to protect Arkansans from the perils of self-governance, this month lawmakers introduced a groundbreaking slate of anti-democracy bills designed to ensure that regular citizens have absolutely no say in their own laws. “We looked around and saw a dangerous trend: people thinking they had the right...
Representative Mary Bentley has announced a new amendment to her infamous “Baby Olivia” bill, the legislation requiring Arkansas students to watch an anti-abortion animated video of a fetus growing in the womb. The new amendment takes the bill to the next level by swapping out the fictional “Baby Olivia” with...
At the kick off of the legislative session, Sarah Sanders’ State of the State address doubled as a fan letter to Trump and a culture war greatest hits album. Arkansas, she proudly declared, is the “vanguard of a national conservative revolution.” A bold proclamation, and in no way true, not...
Passing more tax cuts for the rich in Arkansas is like taking candy from a baby. Except the baby is just regular people trying to make ends meet. Gov. Sanders once again dolled out tax cuts for the third time in 15 months. The most recent batch of cuts reduces...
Yes, dear voters, the legislative body is hard at work, not on solving any of the state’s problems, but on reminding you—through legally toothless resolutions—which issues you should and should not support. During the special session to help the poor rich folk get richer, Representative Ryan Rose presented a dazzling...
It will only cost $4 million to let lawmakers hide from constituents Arkansas kids can’t have health care, but our lawmakers can have a super secret tunnel on Capitol grounds. No, really. That’s what’s happening. We told you about their dumb tunnel idea back in July. Last week, the Arkansas...
Arkansas legislators want a secret tunnel between two very close buildings on Capitol grounds. Secretary of State John Thurston is also pushing for a new air handling system in the Capitol. Combined, these two projects will cost 4.4 million dollars. Money is an Arkansas Republican’s favorite topic, but the record...
It’s all making sense! According to Sarah Sanders’ mouthpiece Alexa Henning, the Governor’s Mansion is undergoing some renovations. The story we’re getting is that Sanders’ young kids need a safer mansion to play in. What’s a child-friendly palazzo reno cost these days? $592,000 You read that right. They’re updating the...
Why isn’t the Governor holding a tear-filled press conference for the monument to unborn children? Guess she knows it’s cringe. Kinda strange the impending “monument to the unborn” hasn’t had much fanfare from Sarah. Several of Governor Sanders’ key pieces of legislation were signed into law with all the pomp...
Bless Judd Deere’s heart. The guy is deputy chief of staff to Sarah Huckabee Sanders and a former Trump staffer but has no idea what the hell is going on. Most folks can tell the difference between rhetoric and reality, but not Judd. Is this why Trump and SHS hired...