The intersectional identity of Jacob Oliva

Six schools are defying the Department of Education’s request to nix AP African American Studies, and today the Secretary of Education, Jacob Oliva, clapped back via a letter to superintendents.
The letter began with some big-brother nonsense that asserted the department’s authority over the districts. The party of small government sure does hate when local districts defy their culture war demands, don’t they?
Oliva went on to specify that two themes in the course are cause for suspicion: 1. “resistance and resilience” and 2. “intersections of identity.”

Resistance and resilience are obvious themes to include in any Black studies course.
Additionally, “intersectionality” has become a boogeyman among the radical right. Just like “CRT,” the radial right refuses to define CRT or explain its alleged harm.
Oliva may object to kids learning about intersecting identities, but we can help him define his own.
Jacob Oliva is a snake.
He came to Arkansas from Florida immediately following a scandal that showed him rigging bids to scam their education system into funneling money into his pocket.
Jacob Oliva is a grifter.
He is a pro at the game of public funding going to private entities, whether it’s parochial schools or the business he was creating to help “flip” struggling districts in need.
We wish it were possible to expect integrity from government officials. The worst thing about Oliva is that his grifting and lies were likely reasons he got the job in Arkansas in the first place.