White GOP dude-bros claim they left Little Rock for reason other than racism

School districts are sounding the alarm on the LEARNS Act’s unfunded mandate to increase teacher salaries. Ali Noland, attorney and Little Rock School Board member, tweeted about LRSD’s projected impact, and gained some attention from Alexa Henning, one of Sarah Sanders’ most well-behaved lapdogs who can’t find Arkansas on a map. Without facts and figures to back up her defenses of LEARNS, she resorted to insulting the intelligence of LRSD, saying their “inability to read legislation & understand a budget is just further evidence of the need AR has for LEARNS.”
Whatever that means.

The only two people to quote and agree with Alexa’s race-baiting are exactly the profiles you’d expect. First is Josh Mesker, who works for an organization that may or may not be colluding with the governor to ruin Arkansas. The other is Nick Stehle, who works for an organization that uses the term “woke army” unironically.
These white men really thought their “Thank GOD we got out of Little Rock” tweets would save Alexa, but all they’re showing is a continued commitment to racist undertones and dogwhistles from the governor’s most popular supporters.
Alexa may hardly know Arkansas, but she certainly knows what she’s saying when she insults the Little Rock School District. These two white men are without excuse, and we can see straight through the veil they think is covering their racist lukewarm takes.